Still chasing down a dream! Not giving up! Just getting started.
Last chance to see me do MY thing before I move to Nashville. Sept 1st in North Port...a Saturday night at 7pm. Get TIX before we sell out like last time. 🔥🎸🎉🏡
Stream/Download/Buy/Share Scroll down & listen to them and share them with a friend. Each picture links to the youtube video. Available for purchase on You guys are amazing! More music to come even sooner! ---Brek Buy “Leah, Leah” From my website iTunes Stream “Leah, Leah” Spotify SoundCloud Apple Music --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy "Won't" From My Website iTunes Stream "Won't" Spotify Soundcloud Apple Music
WHEW! First songwriter round in Nashville is out of the way. Here's to many more.
Enjoy the videos that my friend so graciously took during the 4 songs I performed. If you don't know what a songwriter round's an honored tradition in Nashville where songwriters sit on stools, tell stories, and take turns playing their songs. It was a really cool night at very cool bar called Belcourt Taps. Everyone hangs out with craft beers and listens to the slew of amazing artists pouring out thier hearts and sharing deep bits of their lives with strangers. I met some talented people and got invited to do more rounds. Mission accomplished! It felt great playing some of songs that I've been doing for a while now because I don't get many opportunites to do them in Florida, which is mostly dominated by popular cover gigs. To have people hang at a bar and listen intently to artists is such a beautiful concpet to me. I'm addicted and I want MORE. Like yesterday. It's a good feeling to know I'm building some experiences and contacts a few months before I move here later in the fall. I was thinking while meditating this morning and after my thoughts had settled, this epiphany hit me. It's 2018. Would we rather obsess over our phones, short term desires, self-imposed limitations, shallow social interactions, and live our lives based on what we think we should be doing? I'm not into motivational posts because motivation comes and goes but I am in the business of alignment and self connection. Every so often I like to reflect on how I've been spending my time from minute to minute, hour hour, week to week, month-to-month, and even—year to year. Where are my thoughts fixated on and what are the patterns that are continually occurring? Am I constantly just reacting to the world based on the past that I've had? Am I stuck in a place of lack & want? Am I chasing things outside of myself to just validate and attempt to give love to myself? Am I sabotaging opportunities and relationships that threaten the story and the level of love I've given myself thus far? (That’s a big one! Think about that for a sec.) I'm asking these questions to myself but I also hope that you're asking these questions to your self as well. On the other side of "Fear" is total freedom. We don't need to constantly do things that scare us per se, but I would venture to say that most of the things that we want or, even better, who we really want to become is hiding behind the obstacles we create and identify with in our own minds. Easier said than done, right? We've all heard that excuse. It's only easier said than done when were not letting ourselves let go of the person we've been this whole time. Look, if we prioritized time out of every day to be okay with all the parts of ourselves (especially the dark parts), our present circumstances, and truly love all of that, we can have life happen through us rather to us. I know it sounds hippy dippy, but its true. Think about it. How much time, energy, pain, money, missed opportunities, sabotage opportunities, severed relationships, mental breakdowns, worry some thoughts, self neglect, and obsessive behaviors do we commit while doing what we think we should be doing, being a good boy/girl by societally standards, AND avoiding accepting the bad & unknown feelings/parts of ourselves? It should be obvious that following mainstream advice on how to live your life doesn't actually work. I think it's been developed and passed over the years to attempt to help keep us safe and/or be obedient followers, but no one wants to work a job they don't Love, no one wants to be alone, no one wants to be stuck with the person they're not really in love with, and no one wants to be told what to do. So why do most of us continue to do it? You. Me. Them. We are all guilty of it. Why? It all stems from these moments we get everyday where we get to decide. Do I want to be miserable and comfortable or be a little brave and fulfilled? Your transformation or the better life you want. It’s already there. The real you. It’s not in the distant future. It’s not even tomorrow or a few hours from now. It’s right now. Presence is EVERYTHING. You are the moment. This is why I meditate so much guys. It’s that important. Close your eyes for an hour and love/allow everything to happen and tell me you don’t feel changed. It’s not about getting what we want. It’s about changing how we react to our thoughts and emotions & how we feel about ourselves. That’s it. And that’s not gonna happen by chasing one high to the next. It’s starts right now when you close your eyes and allow. Feel your own love. Nashville-Bound
Exciting? Yes. Nervous? Yes. Soul calling and expanding? Yes. Why am I going? Good question. I've been following a brilliant man named Tom Jackson. He's what you call a "live music producer". He takes live music acts and gives them extreme home make over. (think like that show but with musicians). When you buy tickets and see and or artist perform live, they are hopefully giving your money's worth because they've crafted a live show. Something that Tom has discovered is a dying art. It's MUCH more than just playing through songs. You gotta SEE and FEEL the music and have magic moments with it too. He's holding a singer-songwriter workshop in Nashville Saturday and something inside called me to go a few weeks ago. So I jumped on it. I wanna live my life in my own excitement and only do things that move me. Other wise what's the point? To my humble surprise and honor, I was selected to be a demo artist which means I will made an example of the loop pedal artist section of the workshop day. In front of all these other Nashville musicians and cameras. Cool right? Wish me luck ;) ---Brek Hey everyone! I appreciate the feedback on the name change. I completely understand and commend what everyone is saying/thinking as many others have voiced similar things too. (I also don't necessarily disagree.)
I love my "unique" birth name too, I'm proud of my Italian heritage, and I have used it a long time, but there are actually very many international artists by the name of "Francesco" that I get blurred with on many places online, and also, it's obvious that it's hard to spell and say for most people. You wouldn't believe how many people butcher my name all the time---I stop correcting them out of redundancy. Also, Francesco is a domain and social media name that I can't own on the internet because it's too common. Yes, you read that right. I also like the idea of having a moniker to help keep my personal life separate from my business---a good reminder of balance for any human passionate about being a musician. It started as a quick random suggestion from a friend who thought the name of the street he lived on as a kid that sounded like a cool artist name. I intially dismissed it but it turns out it has a lot of meaning and just happens to describe me very well as you can see by the images above. Brek-deep restless nature to do something great and benevolent. Milo- calm, mild, peaceful. It sounds European. which I am of European descent, and I kinda look like a Milo. lol It also sounds nice...try it. "And the Grammy award for best new artist goes to....Brek Milo" It just works on so many levels. So I know some of you who've known me a long time are sort of scratching your heads and feel hesitant to the idea, but believe me...I thought about this for a long while and it feels so right for me to do. New music, website, photos, videos, etc. coming in the next few weeks. Hang on a little longer...everything you've been waiting for and more is coming...
I'm super excited to make a new album and I'd love for you to be a part of it! I write songs faster than I can release them so when I decide it's time to release an album I make sure I pick the REALLY good stuff! I’ve got a solid batch of songs I’ve been playing all over the country the past few years that people always seem to respond to when I perform. In between songs or after a performance, people will often ask about them and where they can get it. I’ve had to tell them…they’re yet to be recorded—that is until now! I found a way to get these songs into people’s hands and hearts. All it requires is some sweet collaboration between us. :) I got some sweet perks for you guys too for as little as $9! Click here for more info: Piano Music: Since I left for the Peri-Fornia Tour and relocated back to Atlanta, I've realized I haven't been back home to Florida in a year! I booked a show at the sweet little music hall in my home town, Common Grounds. I played there a year ago with my buddy Josh Lozada. It was a BLAST! I'm SO excited and everyone is coming out! So make sure you get your TIX now before we SELL OUT.
Next Friday April 14th 7:30pm @ Common Grounds Meeting Hall in North Port, Florida! INFO/TIX Click here. I got a bunch of new songs and wanna share some of my travel experiences with you! It'll be great to see everyone and I've been working hard a new show for everyone to see. I'm honored to have special guest and Common Ground favorite, Wendy Kaneko, open up the show. It's gonna be a very memorable night. Please come out and join us if you're in South-West Florida. Stay sexy Franions! --Francesco
Hey Franions!
Ok so a few weeks ago I promised my Patreon backers a surprise as a little kick back for sticking with me all these months without many live streams on my Periscope or Busker profiles. Thank you thank you thank you for being patient and supporting my music. It DOES make a huge difference when I'm on this crazy ride...because we're on it together. :) So here's some live tracks over a few showcase nights in Snellville, GA at a great place called Tavern on Main. Some of these songs will be on the new EP coming this summer, called Onward & Upward. In addition, as promised, here's a little explanation about my hiatus. It was abrupt and lengthy, but for good reason (some of you may already know). DISCLAIMER: this is not a pity party but a chance for insight on what was going on. Here we go... So August 2016, at the tail end of my live-stream filled Perifornia Tour from FL to CA, two things aligned around the same time quite nicely---I was ready to start building something with music in one area instead of bouncing around so often (I was also running out of places to go other than home) and some of my talented FL friends arrived in LA. I was invited to join the effort of chasing down dreams months ago so I finally decided to accept. Quickly after arriving there, my lifestyle changed DRASTICALLY. It became less about exploring and more about surviving. When people say LA is expensive---it's an understatement. It's UNREAL. I had some savings left from the past year but within a month they were gone. By day I was learning how to Busk on the Santa Monica Pier and Venice beach and by night I was finding a place to rest with my friends at various parks. We would sleep in our vehicles and then by day we would go out and busk or did gigs...whatever we could do to survive. Now, I know what you're thinking...why the hell would I sleep in my car?! Because I felt it was a means to an end and for the experience and knowledge I was worth it. I had a blast and a unique experience out there. I was also no stranger to car dwelling, which I also did in Atlanta, but I never did it to this extent. So living out of my car immediately knocked out many of the hours I’d usually be live streaming because, one, I had no wifi, and, two, I had no space to play! (at least in my car…I did it but it wasn’t very conducive) Another obvious reason is that I wasn’t the most hygienic and well rested so I wasn’t always very ‘fit’ to be on camera let alone playing music. 5 days in a row in the car without crashing on a friend’s couch or getting a hotel and I would be pooped from exhaustion and the sun beating down on me at the pier all day. I have some pretty rough photos of me looking like a couch potato ripe tomato haha :P But there were more complications, the longer I stayed in my car, which did allow me to not have to drain any earned money on shelter, the more rusty I became with practicing. Often times on live stream and on the pier, I felt under-rehearsed but I could never seem to find an efficient way to practice. I loved being out in this top entertainment mecca, but I hated the feeling of just ‘winging it’ all the time. On top of not being well rested or groomed, my skin broke out in some pretty bad acne. I was embarrassed and couldn’t ignore it or manage it well (matter of fact today I’m still trying to manage it but it’s getting much better with the right diet, care, and regard visits to an esthetician!). Slowly, things came to a breaking point, as much as I loved performing on the pier like my buddy Clare Means I could not make enough money to get ahead even with the support of my Patreon backers and Busker chipping in. Most days during the week I only made enough to eat and put gas in my car, only on the weekends did I have a shot of making anything decent. It just wasn’t enough. Someone suggested driving for Uber Eats and I finally gave it a shot. I liked it! It also gave me the money I needed to get things going and eventually get into a place, but unfortunately, it took me even further away from music. It gradually took up all my time. I was so fixed on making enough money to get out of the car so I could get a place to sleep and work on music, I hardly streamed or played out on the pier. People had warned me about how bad LA was with prices, but I honestly thought I could swing it. Holidays came up and I was confronted with reality head on. My family wanted me to fly into Atlanta for the holidays and I ended up staying a month. It was beyond refreshing and productive (I wrote and co-wrote 10 songs and performed a bit). I came back to California feeling split. I didn’t return to LA right away, I bounced from San Diego all the way to the bay area until I decided that Atlanta was the best place to be. I have my family, contacts, and cheaper cost of living. It took a lot for me to leave and go back, but I’m so glad I did because i’m more happy and productive than I’ve ever been now. It’s only been a month and I’m already looking at having my own place (more regular streams!) and a new record on the way! Enough of my soap box….thank you guys! Stay sexy Franions! —Francesco :D A year ago today in Florida, I embarked on a journey to California that ended up being almost a year long. I raised few thousand dollar funds with my online fans and loved ones, mapped my destinations, packed my car with everything I needed, and hit the road by myself. I traveled thousands of miles to meet with family, friends, musicians, and people I've met through live streaming apps all while documenting adventures through streams, photos, and, of course, songs.
It was life changing, eye opening, awe striking, and mind blowing. I learned sooooo much about everything and myself. I met so many amazing people and had countless wonderful experiences with exponentially more photos to prove it. (I shall post them in bits from here on out...this is by no means even a glimpse of all the photos I have) I had to be unbelievably resourceful and resilient. Courageous and composed. Gentle yet driven. Flexible but assertive. I've come back a new man. I'm very grateful for my times on my road because I acquired experiences that money can't buy and that makes me all that much more secure in the person I am today. It made connecting with others instant, pouring myself on stage to strangers natural, and navigating through this crazy ride of life a lot less scary---even the times when I had no money to my name, didn't have any kind of game plan, and lived in my car for many months. It was all positive! I'm happy to be back in my home away from home, Atlanta, doing what I do and love best. It's like I never left and now I have all this experience & strength behind me. After so much travel, I'm ready to build and grow in one place now. THANK YOU to every single person who made this whole epic adventure possible, you know who you are. Peace & love everyone. Don't be afraid to step outside the box. Don't let fear or anxiety/depression lock you down. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. ---Francesco Here's a list of SOME of the places I went: New Orleans Austin Dallas White Sands Tucson Las Vegas Ontario Riverside San Diego Los Angeles Santa Monica Santa Cruz San Francisco Sacramento Hemet Lake Tahoe |