Exciting? Yes. Nervous? Yes. Soul calling and expanding? Yes. Why am I going? Good question. I've been following a brilliant man named Tom Jackson. He's what you call a "live music producer". He takes live music acts and gives them extreme home make over. (think like that show but with musicians). When you buy tickets and see and or artist perform live, they are hopefully giving your money's worth because they've crafted a live show. Something that Tom has discovered is a dying art. It's MUCH more than just playing through songs. You gotta SEE and FEEL the music and have magic moments with it too. He's holding a singer-songwriter workshop in Nashville Saturday and something inside called me to go a few weeks ago. So I jumped on it. I wanna live my life in my own excitement and only do things that move me. Other wise what's the point? To my humble surprise and honor, I was selected to be a demo artist which means I will made an example of the loop pedal artist section of the workshop day. In front of all these other Nashville musicians and cameras. Cool right? Wish me luck ;) ---Brek